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40th Anniversary Videos and photos

Now that the dust has settled from our terrific 40th anniversary bash - thanks to all who took part - in the relays on a particularly sweltering hot day and also to those that came to the anniversary do in the evening, where lots of old and new members got a chance to mingle, reminisce and enjoy the sunshine and memories! Thanks again to all the organisers for their hard work in putting together such a great event including Emma who is now known as party planner of the year! And to Howard to created such a lovely relay route that some of our ultra runners will probably have a go at completing the whole thing in FKT! If you missed the event and didn't get to see the lovely photos and videos of past and present members or if you'd like to watch them all over again here are the links below: Video Interviews HP photos

Looking forward to our 50th anniversary bash - it will be hard to top this one though!

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