Club Records
The club maintains lists of records for road and track and for best performances (in races where distances are not certified) for men and women in all age categories.
The ‘All time’ sheet gives the fastest time for each distance, over all age categories.
The other five sheets list the details of each performance by event.
Records last updated 20/02/25.
To make a claim for a club record please email
Claims should include name, time (say if electronic or manual), location or name of race, full date and source or link where details can be verified.
There are a couple of club rules with regards to club records which are essentially the same as those for the annual club championships.
Eligibility of Members
From September 3rd 2020, second claim members cannot set records or be considered for Club Championships unless they are representing Holme Pierrepont Running Club and not their first claim club OR they are competing as an individual where they are listed in results as a Holme Pierrepont member. Current records set before this will remain on the records.
Eligibility of the Race
For road records the course distance must be certified by the Association of Course Measurers (events which have been certified usually include the certificate number or measuring wheel symbol within the event details or event website. Alternatively certified races are listed here). The course must be classified as road and not trail, mixed terrain etc. Track records are to be from recognised track events with approved/qualified timekeepers. It would typically be expected that results from both road and track races would be available on Run Britain or Power of 10 websites.
New records and bests will be reported in Running Free.
From May 2020 onwards lists will be maintained of ALL records set, and they will be published on the website periodically. Members can request a copy of these lists at any time by using the email address above.